Internal Complaints Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee is constituted under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013. The Committee's major functions entail creation of awareness among all students, implementation of the policies relating to the prevention of the sexual harassment and strive to resolve complaints by the aggrieved complainant.

Sr. No Name Designation Title
1 Dr. Indu Sharma Vice Principal Coordinator
2 Dr. Ruchika Sharma Faculty Member Member
3 Dr. Rachna Nagar Faculty Member Member
4 Dr. Rekha Jain  Faculty Member Member
5 Dr. Garima Nahar Faculty Member Member
6 Dr. Sunita Gajawat Faculty Member Member
7 Sh. Mahesh Kumar Sharma Faculty Member Member
8 Dr. Swati Jain Faculty Member Member
9 Dr. Manju Baghmar Faculty Member Member
10 Dr. Tara Chand Badiwal Faculty Member Member
11 Dr. Meeta Singh Chairperson,NGO, Dignity of Girl Child Member Member

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